The Pond

Current Water Levels: June 3rd, 2023 = 262.92'

Our Gorgeous Pond in Every Season

Photo credits to our clerk and supporter Mark Dershwitz

Torsey Pond was originally called Bean Mill Pond and then Greeley Pond. It began to acquire the general outline of its present configuration in 1770 when James Craig constructed a dam at the present dam site and began operating a sawmill there. The foundation of this original sawmill is still visible just across the Old Kents Hill road from the existing dam. When Dr. Henry P. Torsey, an ardent fisherman and the Headmaster at Kents Hill School in Readfield for thirty-eight years, died in 1892, the name of Greeley Pond was changed in his honor to Torsey Pond.


Torsey Pond is irregular in size and shape, extending roughly from north to south (from the inlet at Tingley Brook to the outlet at the dam on Old Kents Hill Road) a distance of approximately 3 and 1/2 miles. At its widest point, the pond is almost a mile wide. It has two narrows included as part of its major expanse that are about one-quarter of a mile wide each. The narrow inlet and outlet stretches of the pond are not usually greater than 100-200 yards in width. The entire water area of the pond covers an area of 770 acres. At its deepest point, Torsey Pond is 45 feet deep. Near the shoreline and in the inlet and outlet stretches, the depth can be as little as three feet.


The pond is a combination of an original natural pond (largely seen today as the wide portions of the pond) and a man-made pond. The man-made area includes the inlet and outlet stretches and the shallow, almost marsh like, portions of the pond. The stumps and residue of the trees formerly standing on dry or marshy land can still be clearly observed beneath the surface. These are to be avoided by watercraft and especially by water skiers.

Torsey Pond provides many opportunities for the wild bird watcher. Here are birds that can be found around our pond:

Blue Jay, Ring-necked Pheasant, Eastern Kingbird, Killdeer, Eastern Phoebe, Song Sparrow, Scarlet Tanager, White-throated Sparrow, Wood Thrush, House Sparrow, Veery, Solitary Vireo, Ruby-breasted Grosbeak, Rufous-sided Towhee, Evening Grosbeak, House Wren, Robin, American Redstat, Black-Capped Chickadee, Eastern Meadowlark, Hermit Thrush, Northern (Baltimore) Oriole, Purple Finch, Eastern Crow, Gold Finch, Starling, Cedar Waxwing, Purple, Grackle, Cardinal, White-Brested Nuthatch, Slatecolored Junco, Mockingbird, Tufted Titmouse, Catbird, Bobolink, Herring Gull, Red-winged Blackbird, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, American Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle and Wild Turkey.

Torsey Pond is the first major body of water within the limits of the Cobbossee Watershed District.

Cobbessee Watershed     Fish    Birds 

New Big Thing:

Watershed Survey:

The Torsey Pond Watershed Survey, prepared by the Cobbossee Watershed District with the TPA, is now complete. See Details.

On Line Membership and Donations:

You can now Join, Renew and Donate online on our Membership Page. TPA is a a 501(c)(3)

non-profit organization.  Your membership dues and additional donations to the TPA are Tax Deductible!

Membership Rack Card and Flyer:

We now have a printable rack card and  printable  flyer available. Make some copies and give to your neighbors! See Details

Next Big Thing:

TPA Director's Meeting

Next Virtual Zoom Meetings TBD

TPA 2024 Annual Members Meeting 

Saturday, July 6th 10:00 am

Readfiled Town Hall

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