Courtesy Boat Inspections -CBI

Courtesy Boat Inspector at the Readfield public boat launch

If you would like to make a donation to help the Milfoil Prevention Program and the Courtesy Boat Inspections, please click on the donation button below and select your contribution amount.



Sign Up to be a Courtesy Boat Inspector

New on line sign up. It is quick and easy to help protect our pond!


Click here to select a day and time to volunteer.

Maine's lakes are under serious threat by invasive water plants like variable-leaf and Eurasian Milfoil and Hydrilla. These vegetative villains are so vigorous and propagate so quickly that they crowd out native plants, negatively affect fish populations, and make swimming and boating difficult – if not impossible. They can take over a lake in surprisingly little time. Especially a lake with shallow areas like Torsey Pond. When an investation happens, lake users and property owners have to fund costly control measures just to swim, fish, or boat.


Due to the fact that many new infestations occur in shallow waters near public boat launch facilities, Maine Department of Enviromental Protection (DEP) has concluded the spread of invasive plants are due in part to the movement from lake to lake on the boats and equipment of unsuspecting lake visitors. Accordingly, the state has developed a program to educate boaters so they won't spread plants unintentionally. It's the Courtesy Boat Inspection Program (CBI), and it's our lakes' first line of defense. It is the law in the State of Maine that transporting any aquatic plant on the outside of a vehicle, boat, trailer, or equipment is illegal, and violators will be ticketed by the Maine Warden Service.


The Maine DEP oversees Maine’s Courtesy Boat Inspection (CBI) program and distributes funding to organizations trying to protect lakes. While DEP provides training, protocol, and funding, none of this prevention work can be done without the hard work of volunteer local residents. 


Clcik here to view Maine DEP CBI videos


Our Torsey Pond Association CBI Program consists of a combination of state funded and volunteer inspectors. We have 12 hours of shifts, 7am-7pm, covering the Readfield Boat Launch on weekend days and select busy weeks during the season. If you are interested to volunteer for a shift, please contact Andy Zuorski.


Courtesy Boat Inspectors:

• Discuss with boaters how invasive aquatic plants spread

• Show boaters how to inspect boats and equipment for plant fragments

• Urge boaters to inspect before and after every launch

• Distribute information about invasive plants

• Articulate Maine law regarding the transport of these plants


Every year, Maine CBIs conduct thousands of boat inspections and intercept hundreds of plants entering and leaving Maine waters.


Sources: and

Maine DEP CBI Handbook
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]

New Big Thing:

Watershed Survey:

The Torsey Pond Watershed Survey, prepared by the Cobbossee Watershed District with the TPA, is now complete. See Details.

On Line Membership and Donations:

You can now Join, Renew and Donate online on our Membership Page. TPA is a a 501(c)(3)

non-profit organization.  Your membership dues and additional donations to the TPA are Tax Deductible!

Membership Rack Card and Flyer:

We now have a printable rack card and  printable  flyer available. Make some copies and give to your neighbors! See Details

Next Big Thing:

TPA Director's Meeting

Next Virtual Zoom Meetings TBD

TPA 2024 Annual Members Meeting 

Saturday, July 6th 10:00 am

Readfiled Town Hall

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