Torsey Pond Association TPA

TPA was formed in 1988 to preserve Torsey Pond, its shores and dam for all property owners around the lake, and for the towns of Readfield and Mt. Vernon.

TPA 2024 Annual Meeting

Saturday, July 6th at 10:00 am at Readfield Town Hall. Please join us and bring a friend!

TPA 2024 Newsletter

TPA Members and Friends Annual Newsletter is in the Mail! Ecopy available Here!

TPA Newsletter 2024
Torsey Pond Association Newsletter 2024.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [14.2 MB]

It is OUR Dam, We Own it, We Repair it and We Control the Water Levels!

Join or renew now to help keep our water beautiful and in the pond!

Dam Facts:

Pre 1988 the dam located on Old Kents Hill Road by the public boat launch was privately owned. The owner abandoned it. The state of Maine stepped in and needed a lake association to be created to own, operate and maintain the dam. That is how the TPA was formed in 1988. If the TPA did not take on this responsibility the pond would not have stable water levels and the entire ecosystem, of not only Torsey but the whole watershed, would be dramatically impacted.

Your membership dues pay for the maintenance of OUR dam. The operation is conducted by TPA vonlunteers. Each year about two thirds of the property owners on Torsey are members of the TPA. Lets work on making that 100%!

Encourage your neighbors to support the TPA and join our association, renew and donate to OUR pond!

Sign Up to Volunteer as a Courtesy Boat Inspector (CBI)


Help Protect Torsey From Invasive Aquatic Plants! We Now Have an Easy On Line Sign Up Schedule!


Click here for on line volunteer sign up


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© Torsey Pond